Thursday, 20 June 2013

A shall be a Darling Affair

I am so excited for tomorrow! Tomorrow I will be up super bright and early to make my way down to the Gold Coast for A Darling Affair!

It's sure to be a swell day filled with a whole lotta pretty, lace and love! 

I've spent all week  designing new business cards and mini look books to include in a Blossom Headpieces goodie bag! 

Plus a few other goodies and contact details for the amazing people who worked together on our Vintage Bride Look book!

Come down for a peek at my new bridal range and for a day of pure loveliness.
 <3 A xx


Time: 10am-4pm 
Where: The Abbey, 399 Piggabeen Road, Cobaki Lakes NSW 
Entry $10

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